Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration 2019

Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration 2019

Gyan Yug Diwas Celebration 2019  11/04/2019 03:27:04 PM

Maharishi Organisation has decided to organise 33 Atirudrabhishek Mahayagyas at Kumbh starting from 15 January 2019. A beautiful leaflet and hoarding was designed and released by Brahamchari Girish Ji on the auspicious occasion of Gyan Yug Diwas celebration to inform public at large at Kumbh. In India the celebration took place in more than 200 cities. Main celebration was organised at Bhopal. The topic of conference this year was "Role of Media in Establishing World Peace". Prominent national level media personalities have participated in this conference and shared their valuable views and assured to do everything and to extend their full support in this historic mission of establishing world peace. In other cities also state and city level media leaders participated. Let's hope and wish that our Indian media will contribute a lot for this noble cause.