An assembly of 10,000 Siddhas and Yogic Flyers

An assembly of 10,000 Siddhas and Yogic Flyers

An assembly of 10,000 Siddhas and Yogic Flyers  02/01/2024 10:38:03 AM

An assembly of 10,000 Siddhas and Yogic Flyers is organised by "Global Union of Scientists" from 29th December 2023 to 12th January 2024 in Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad Telangana. A press conference was organised on 27th December in Delhi to inform the media about the assembly. The organisers have informed that about 3500 Siddha are attending from over 100 countries and rest 6500 will be school and university students and Vedic Pundits from India. Brahmachari Girish Ji is participating in this assembly with over 1000 pundits and 100 subject teachers, principals, TM teachers and staff members of Maharishi Vidya Mandir School organisation. Some pics are posted here with captions.